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Sonic and Mario: New Allies

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Chapter 2: New Allies

It was dark and cool inside the Shy Guy dungeon. Cells closed off by iron bars interrupted the walls. The only light that had flickered within the stonewalls were minor candles inside hung lanterns on the sides of the dungeon hall. Inside one of the cells, a blue captive was regaining consciousness.
“Ugh…my head...What just happened? I was just fighting Metal, but then… Hey wait a minute… What is this place?”
Sonic was slowly waking up delirious on the cold floor. He sat up and faced the bars that had kept him inside the dungeon cell. When he lifted his right hand to rub his aching head he heard a jingle. Looking at his wrist he saw that a shackle had been clamped around it connected to a chain that had lead to another unconscious prisoner in the cell. He was already starting to wake up as he stirred. “Oh… Mama Mia…” He mumbled. He pushed his himself from the ground and sat in upright position. It was a short man about Sonic’s height. He was wearing red with blue overalls with a red cap that had a bolded M on the front. He had blue eyes, a large round nose, and a bushy mustache. As he raised his head from the cold floor he noticed Sonic sitting a few feet away from him. They both stared at each other dumbfounded for a long minute until Sonic broke the silence.
“…Hey, do you have any idea where we are?”
Mario looked around. All he saw were stonewalls, lanterns lit behind the iron bars, and the blue hedgehog who asked him the question.
“I don’t know, but it looks like we’re someone’s prisoners right now. But I don’t know who’s keeping us here though.”
“Yeah, it also looks like we’re gonna be buddies for a quite a while.” Sonic said as lifted his shackled wrist. Mario saw the chain that had connected to Sonic’s right wrist to his left one. He lifted it and looked at it in confusion. Why would someone handcuff him to this strange blue hedgehog he had never met in his entire life?
“By the way, what’s your name?” Sonic asked.
“I’m Mario… Who are you?”
“I’m Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog.”
Mario was puzzled by the name. That kind of title sounded a bit unnatural to him. It was clear to him that he was a hedgehog, but calling himself ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ was like Mario calling himself ‘Mario the Plumber’ or calling Peach ‘;Peach the Princess’.
“Don’t you remember anything before you got here out cold?” Sonic continued.
Mario thought about it. He recalled the sudden incident in the castle after Bowser came.
“All I remember is seeing a white light that just exploded suddenly. Then when I finally hit the ground after that I blacked out. What about you?”
“It’s a long story, but basically the same as yours. Except I was fighting someone in a base.” He said as he sat back with his arms crossed behind his head. His attention drifted back to the iron bars of the cell. “You know, I never liked being forced to stay confined in such a small place like this. Lets see if we can get out of here.”
He got up and walked over to the bars tugging Mario along with him. He tugged and pushed the bars of the cell and kicked them a few times. Then inspected the lock on the other side.
“Nope, it looks like locked up pretty good. Guess we’re just gonna have to wait for someone to get us.”
Normally, he’d spindash through the bars, but as he tested, the bars we’re too strong and would probably hurt himself in the process. Also there was hardly enough room to charge through it. He turned to his cellmate and sat against the bars to restart conversation. “So where are you from?”
“I’m from the Mushroom Kingdom.”
“The Mushroom Kingdom??” Sonic said confused. “What kind of place is that?” Mario scratched the back of his head. “Well, it basically stands for its name. Just a kingdom of mushrooms. Other than that it’s a pretty normal place. With the usual Goombas, Koopas etcetera.”
“What the heck are Koopas and Goombas?”
“You never heard of them? They’re everywhere! You know those yellow turtles who walk everywhere with green and red shells? Or the short brown mushroom guys with no arms and monster faces?” Sonic looked at him as if he’s gone crazy. “No… Not really…”
Mario’s face grew puzzled. He had thought that Sonic was from the same world he was and was familiar with the Mushroom Kingdom. But apparently, he had been wrong.
Curious, he asked, “Well, where are you from?” Sonic crossed one of his legs over the other and put his arms behind is head as he closed one eye in a relaxed position. “Me? I’m from the Green Hill Zone in Mobius.”
“What? You’ve never heard of it?”
“No, never…”
“Well, it’s pretty nice. Clear skies, good terrain, plenty of room to run around. It certainly beats the crap out of this place that’s for sure. Do you know any body at home?”
“Yeah, I have a little brother named Luigi. He lacks a little bit of back bone if you know what I mean, but sometimes he comes through.”
“Heh, heh. Lacks back bone huh? I’d like to meet him sometime.
My buddy, Tails, is an engineer. He owns his own plane and flies it every now and then. But unlike me, he’s a fox and can use his own two tails to fly. That pretty much how he got his name.” He rubbed his finger under his nose. “Speaking of which I wonder where he is now. I guess he could be anywhere come to think of it.”
Mario then thought of Luigi again. Since the explosion had scattered everything in the castle everywhere across the kingdom, he could be anywhere!
“Where ever he is” Mario thought, “I just hope he doesn’t pee himself…”

Tails had woken up nearly an hour ago noticing a large skid mark on the forest floor leading up to his body with his head against a tree. He had a bump on his head from the collision, but then concluded that it was nothing serious.
When he recovered he started yelling out names in hope of a response, but no answer. He flew over the treetops to see what was ahead. Most of which was a vast sea of green forests separating him from what ever had been in the clearing far away. To make sure he wouldn’t over look any of his friends who may lie under the forest canopy, the fox continued to travel on foot and shout out names.
An hour or so had passed before his foot kicked a metal on the ground. When he picked it up and realized it was the propeller of his Tornado. A few yards away the rest of the plane had lain in a mangled heap.
It looked even worse than it was when the crash-landed inside Eggman’s base! Both of its wings were both badly bent out of place, the engine had been smoking, it was covered in dents and scratches. It was also lying on its side with one of the wings bent underneath it, also the landing wheels were hanging on it by a thread.
The sight was absolutely horrifying for the poor fox. He adored that plane of his like it was his own child. Seeing it in this condition was worse than a horror movie.
He ran over to his badly damaged creation and examined its bad condition. He groaned. Although he did carry an extra set of tools with in the Tornado itself, it would take some time to repair it back into its proper condition.
Before he could rummage for them, he heard a muffled moan vibrate from underneath his feet. He glanced down for a moment and realized he’d been standing on the head of someone who had been crushed by the tornado.
Tails immediately backed off the person’s head.
“Oh my gosh!!! I’m sorry!! Are you okay?! Hang on, I’ll get you out!”
He grabbed the tail of his plane and dragged it off the stranger as he hovered with his twin tails. He rushed over to the crash victim and dragged him several feet away from the crash onto the grass.
He was a slim man in a green shirt with blue overalls. He had a moustache and a round nose and also wore a green cap with a bolded “L” on it. He was slowly regaining conscience when his blue eyes were opening slightly.
“Are you okay, Mister?” Tails asked again.
As he looked at the fox, Luigi’s blurred vision became into focus.
“WAAAH!!” He immediately panicked and quickly scurried away from the newcomer pressing his back to a tree.
“W-who are you?! WHAT are you?! PLEASE DON’T HURT ME!!!”
“I’m not going hurt you!” Tails said “You were just crushed under my plane so I helped you get out.” Luigi looked over at the mangled plane the fox had indicated.
“Oh man what’s going on!?” He thought, “First Bowser crashes into the castle with his doom ship, then that random white light appears inside the castle and now this weird two-tailed fox is talking to me! I knew I should’ve stayed home…” He walked over to him. “My name’s Miles, but my friends call me Tails. Hey you’re not hurt are you? You look pale.”
“I-I’m fine. It’s nothing really…” Luigi hugged his knees “It’s just that I’ve never seen a talking fox before that’s all…” Tails glanced back at his broken Tornado.
“What were you doing in the middle of woods in the first place? It sure was the bad place and the bad time to get hit by a plane.” Luigi pointed his two index fingers together while hunching forward embarrassed.
“A-Actually, I wasn’t in the woods to begin with. Something really bad happened where I was and I just ended up here afterwards. Then when I woke up something really heavy landed on top of me and I blacked out. To tell you the truth, I guess I really was in the wrong place at the wrong time to begin with. Heck, things were getting bad even before the explosion…”
“An explosion?” Tails said, “From where?”
“From the Peach’s Castle. Where else?”
;Peach’s Castle?”
Tails scratched his muzzle. He looked up at the sky then towards the sun then at the skid marks the Tornado had made after landing on top of the man. He then realized that both him and the Tornado had, if possible, shot away from the same direction. He ran back to his Tornado and rummaged through his equipment.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Luigi asked.
Tails took out a square device from the wreck.
“I’m going to find out where this explosion was. Maybe then I’ll be able to help out.”
“W-wait, you’re not going to leave me here alone are you?” He was still unsure about the fox, but the last thing he wanted was to be left alone in the woods.
“Of course not. You can come if you want to. By the way, what’s name?”
He stood up growing a little less timid “I’m Luigi… You said your name was Tails right?”
“That’s right. I’ve attached a tracking device to the Tornado so we can come back and fix it later.”
Tails began to spin his two, well… tails and hover in the air. Luigi stared at him surprised. Before he could say anything the fox grabbed his hand and ascended.
“Come on! Lets go!”
Luigi yelled out in panic as they flew clear over the treetops. He raised his legs and squeezed his eyes shut, because he couldn’t cover them with his hands since he’d rather use them to hang on for dear life.

Sonic and Mario had been talking for nearly a whole hour before they heard echoing footsteps nearing to their dark cell. Sonic and Mario approached the front of the cage to see who or what was coming for them. It was two shy guys in gray robes holding spears. “Good, you’re both awake. Your presence is needed. It is time.” One of the shy guys said as the other was unlocking the cell.
“Time? Time for what? Who are you? Why were you keeping us here? What’s going on?” Sonic asked.
“All will be explained once we escort you to the stadium.”
The other shy guy opened the cell and said, “Come with us.”
Both Mario and Sonic stepped out and followed the two shy guys. While being escorted through the dark hallway, Sonic looked toward Mario and grinned mischievously. Mario replied by doing the same. They both knew what the other one was thinking. Mario deftly yanked out his hammer and smashed the shy guy in front of him into the stonewall. Before the second one could react, Sonic swirled into a ball and hurled himself at the remaining shy guy sending him flying through the dungeon hallway.
Sonic looked back at Mario.
“Come on, lets get out of here!”
He instantly bolted through the dungeon like a bullet, pulling the surprised plumber behind him with the chain that had linked them. Mario had no idea the hedgehog would be this fast. It was no wonder running was his favorite hobby.
Mario struggled to try to run with him, but the floor had rushed beneath his feet too quickly. He had to hold down his hat with his free had to prevent it from blowing away.
“Sonic, for Pete’s sake, slow down! I can’t run as fast as you!”
“Hang on Mario! I think I found the exit!” An open door way filled with light came into view and was nearing fast. The blue blur grinned.
“Yeah! We’re out of here!” When the doorway had shot passed them they both found themselves in the middle of a large stadium filled with watching shy guys.
“Hey, what the-“ Sonic screeched to a sudden halt, but Mario kept going and knocked right into the hedgehog causing him fall over on his face. Mario lifted his head from Sonic’s blue head quills an saw an audience of shy guys surrounding the area.
“Oh, my god! They’re here! The heroes have arrived!!” Yelled one of the on lookers as the crowd all cheered at once. From underneath the plumber, Sonic raised his face from the dust and stared at the crowd with confusion.
“What? Heroes?? What the heck is going on?!”
On a balcony high above the crowd General Guy looked upon the two who have stumbled into the arena.
“Excellent! They have arrived! Get ready to unleash the chomps private!” He said to the shy guy on his left.
“Yes sir!” He scurried off to pass on the order.
“Uh, sir?” asked the other shy guy to his right. “Weren’t these two supposed to be escorted by the two sentry guys we sent? It looks as if they are no where to be seen.” Said the Red Shy Guy
“Escorted, not escorted who cares? They’re still here aren’t they?”
“I guess, but was it really necessary to chain the two together sir?”
There was a long an awkward silence between them as if the General was trying figuring out a way to avoid answering his underling’s question. Then he slowly turned to his minion and said, “…Are you questioning my authority as General, Private?!”
“What? No! No sir!!”
“Good. Now go make yourself useful and go get me a soda Private! STAT!!”
“Yes sir!!” The shy guy ran off as the General leaned back in his chair.
;Phew, that was a close one.” He thought, “Now lets see how these two ‘heroes’ really cooperate as a team…”
The bars that had blocked the two other entrances were slowly rising as the chomps barked wildly and rammed the walls. Seeing the beasts that were about to approach them, Sonic looked back at the entrance he and Mario had come from. He nearly cussed when he found out it was closed off. They both got up and out of their awkward position and back onto their feet ready to react.
“Oh, man, this doesn’t look good.” Sonic thought.
The three chomps immediately charged at the duo the moment the bars were lifted high enough for them to move through. Sonic sped away from their standing point of the arena causing all three beasts to crash into each other. Mario got up from the ground after, again, being dragged by his ally.
“We need to think of a plan, Mario.” Sonic said. “I just can’t stand being in this joint any longer. We gotta get out of here!”
Mario scratched his chin and thought for a moment.
“I think I know a few tricks we could use. But I’ve only done them with my brother. Never with a hedgehog…”
“Well, what are they?”
The three chomps had recovered from their rash collision and had the eyes set on the two while Mario was talking to Sonic. Again, all three chomps charged at them again. They both turned around and saw them coming. Mario quickly spawned his hammer.
Without any time for more questions or conversation, Sonic spun into a ball on the ground as Mario raised his weapon. When the beasts became within range he swung his hammer and hit the balled up hedgehog into the first chomp. The force was strong enough to knock it backward.
The whole stadium erupted into cheers when they saw the two heroes make the first blow.
The chain had strained and Sonic bounced back and Mario hit him again knocking the second chomp. And then repeated the action a third time.
After shortly recovering the chomps ran toward the two in anger. Mario seized the chain connecting to the balled up Sonic and sung him at the chomps like a wrecking ball. The attack made the flinched as they were hit and drew back from the swinging hedgehog. As the distance between them grew, Mario stopped swinging the chain and eased Sonic on the ground. He’d attack them directly himself with his fists, but their bodies were too hard to hit and would only leave bruises on his hands. He looked at the hedgehog for the next motive.
Sonic then unfurled himself and ran towards the chomps. When their three opponents had recovered once again a swirling blue tornado surrounded them, spinning them and making them dizzy.
Sonic quickly dashed out of the vortex with his partner. Mario was dizzy himself from being dragged around in small quick circles surrounding the chomps.
“What now?” Sonic asked.
When Mario’s spinning world began to slow to stop he took notice to the dizzy chomps just a few yards away. Then he glanced at the cheering crowds surrounding the stadium. He smiled.
“I know just the thing, Sonic.”
He ran back over to the chomps with Sonic trailing lightly behind him. Mario seized the end of one the chomp’s chains and began to drag it in circles around him. Tugging at it faster and faster, the chomp slowly rose from the ground. As the chomp’s chain came around Sonic had crouched in his ball form to avoid getting smacked by its hard chains.
The whole stadium cheered louder and louder as the chomp was being swung higher and higher from the ground. Then, at the right moment, Mario released his grip on the chain and sent the beast flying. The cheers of the arena turned into screams as the airborne chomp crashed through the side of the stadium, causing so much impact, it left a large gaping opening.
General Guy now realized that they were now not trying to fight the chomps but were trying to escape!
He cussed.
“Quick! Everyone after them! Don’t let them escape!”
All shy guys were running towards the two (even the ones who were seriously injured or worse from the chomp impact or ‘chompact’ who were needed medical attention more than anything else).
Snifits and shy guys with propellers on the heads (fly guys) emerged from their stations to follow the General’s orders.
“Come on! Lets blow this joint!”
Sonic charged into his Sonic speed as Mario raised his hammer.
Many of the shy guys closed in on them, but Sonic had bulleted straight through them by spinning into a ball while Mario had swung his heavy hammer at the approaching victims who were unfortunate enough to meet its painful blows. The other chomps had recovered and gone after them as well, but Sonic simply leaped and swerved around them while dealing with the oncoming army of shy guys.
They had cleared the opening and entered the outside before Sonic had bolted across the Stadium within an approximate half minute.
Although the shy guys continued to pursue the two allies on the outside, they could never even dream of outrunning the fastest the alive.
General had his head down on the railing of the balcony as he pounded on it.
“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!”
The red shy guy had returned with his soda.
“Sir! I got your so-“ He glanced at the beat up chomps, the gaping opening in the stadium, the injured shy guys, the scurrying comrades and his cussing pissed off General.
“Uh… is this a bad time?”
Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!! Chapter 2!!!!1!! I'm such a f*cking genius!!! :typerhappy:
Lol. I think I like the ending best. I love how everything I touch in literature gets destroyed. :) I also like what I did to Tails's expression in the artwork. Priceless. :D
Yeah, also Mario and Sonic ended up chained together just like from my previous artwork. I just thought it would be more interesting that way. Also Mario would never be able to catch up with Sonic while working together. Don't worry, they won't be chained for too long. =P
In the next chapter I'm going to try to include other characters too. Maybe Shadow or something. I'd like it if people made suggestions too.


Anyway, Everything here belongs to Nintendo and SEGA
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Siamthefox's avatar
XD Tails is thinking; "OMG! I HIT SOMETHING! No, someBODY! Uh-oh!" XD